Dear customer, Our best wishes for the holiday season!❄️⛄ Kind regards RadonMarket #merrychristmas #chrismascolor #christmas #christmasdecor #christmasdecorations #christmasdecorating #christmasmood #christmasiscoming #Radonmarket #Apporad #Niton #Radiationsafty #Radoninpillole #RadonmarketAcademy #RadonDC #Radonreduction #Radon #Radongascontrol #Radongas #GasRadon #Radonawareness #Dosimetriaradon #Risanamento #Radontesting #Bonifica #Radonmeasurment #Radonmitigation #Misurazioneradon #Lungcancerawareness @niton_srl
Yearly Archives: 2022
#cybermonday until 30th November💣🛒 To view or purchase, visit our website Discount Code: BlackFriday2022 🚀 RadonMarket ✔️Specialized in Radon Supplies✔️ #sale #blackweek #blackfridaysale #blackfriday2021 #blackfridayitalia #Radonmarket #Apporad #Niton #Radiationsafty #Radoninpillole #RadonmarketAcademy #RadonDC #Radonreduction #Radon #Radongascontrol #Radongas #GasRadon #Radonawareness #Dosimetriaradon #Risanamento #Radontesting #Bonifica #Radonmeasurment #Radonmitigation #Misurazioneradon #Lungcancerawareness #Geometera #Architettura #Salute […]
#blackfriday until 27th November💣 🛒 To view or purchase, visit our website Discount code: BlackFriday2022 🚀 RadonMarket ✔️Specialized in Radon Supplies✔️ #sale #blackweek #blackfridaysale #blackfriday2021 #blackfridayitalia #Radonmarket #Apporad #Niton #Radiationsafty #Radoninpillole #RadonmarketAcademy #RadonDC #Radonreduction #Radon #Radongascontrol #Radongas #GasRadon #Radonawareness #Dosimetriaradon #Risanamento #Radontesting #Bonifica #Radonmeasurment #Radonmitigation #Misurazioneradon #Lungcancerawareness #Geometera #Architettura #Salute @niton_srl
We are excited to announce that the first and only Italian private radon calibration laboratory under the brand name RadonStar is launched and ready to support radon professionals. RadonStar uses an innovative method that improves the conventional mode of operation to make controlling and adjusting the variation of activity concentration […]
🌞 The RadonMarket shipping office will be closed from the day: August 13, 2022 to August 23, 2022 🌞 It will still be possible to place orders online. 🌞 The shipments will take place from the day: August 24th 🌞 As well as it will be possible to contact us […]
‘RADON: Indagine, misure e valutazione del rischio alla luce del nuovo Decreto 101 del 31 luglio 2020’. 🏚️ Luogo: VIDEOCONFERENZA 📅 Quando: 21/06/2022 🕛 Durata: 16 ore 👨🏻🏫 Docente: Gianluca Troiano Tutor del corso: Silvia Ragnoli – [email protected] 16 crediti formativi validi quale aggiornamento #rspp #aspp #rls, #formatori, #csp #cse, #dirigenti, #preposti, #lavoratori. Destinatari: RSPP, #consulenti in materia di #sicurezza e #ambiente, Professionisti tecnici #ingegneri, #architetti, #geometri, #peritiedili). Il […]
‘RADON: Indagine, misure e valutazione del rischio alla luce del nuovo Decreto 101 del 31 luglio 2020’. Corso di Formazione in modalità FAD. ‘RADON: indagine, misure e valutazione del rischio alla luce del nuovo Decreto 101 del 31 luglio 2020’. Corso di Formazione in modalità FAD. 📅 Quando: 8 e […]
✨✨✨ On the 27th of May 2022, RadonMarket platform will celebrate its 3rd anniversary ✨✨✨ In the past three years, the RadonMarket team is proud of: Worked alongside Radon professionals and homeowners in Italy and other 27 countries worldwide 🌍; Gathered and presented more than 100 Radon measurement and mitigation […]
With its compact cube design, EcoQube fits your hand’s palm. The small size of this new radon detector does not affect its sensitivity. In fact, the instrument delivers radon counting sensitivity of 30 counts per hour per pCi/L, which is much higher than similar instruments in this category. Ecosense EQ100 […]