RADEX RD1008 EXPERT Quartz sensor PRO Ultra-High Accuracy Professional Radiation Detector, Geiger Counter

739,00 Inc. VAT: 901,58

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RADEX RD1008 – The first handheld radiation detector that detects and displays radiation results for Beta- and Gamma- as two separate values.

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Sold By : Niton Srl SKU: 31QR070 Category: Tag:


It was designed for detecting ionizing radiation and estimating the ambient dose-equivalent values, as well as the ambient equivalent dose-rate of photon (gamma- and roentgen-) ionizing radiation and the beta-particles flux density.

Summary and Working Specifications
This device uses two table sensors for detecting radiation (Beta-2 and Beta-2M). While the cost of the device increased significantly due to the use of these sensors, they do allow this detector to detect and display radiation results for Beta- and Gamma- as two separate values. This the first time that a small, hand-held device can accurately measure the presence of Beta- and Gamma- values in products.
It is astonishing considering that this device weighs only 175 g / 6.2 oz (compared to the typical 10 kg / 25 lbs and above for an equivalent).

Distinctive Features:
simultaneous and separate evaluation of Gamma- and Beta-particles
ability to accumulate dose for two users (acts as a dosimeter)
continuous evaluation with self-test and result correction
automatic re-test/re-set in case of sudden change in dose-rate or radiation flux-density
ability to show Background on display and excess of Background
short measurement cycle
measurement cycle decreases as the ambient radiation increases
ability to track measurement cycles
ability to change alarm thresholds for Beta- and Gamma-radiation
ability to choose audio or vibration alarm
calibration coefficient may be modified by the user


Overall   Device with simultaneous and separate evaluation of Gamma- and Beta-particles Range of indications (μSv/h)   0.1 – 999.0 Scale range of Gamma-radiation energy (MeV)    0.05 – 3.00 Scale range of Beta-radiation energy (MeV)   0.05 – 3.5 Error - of dose rate , not more, where P is the dose rate in µSv/h (%)   ±(20+200/Р) Error - of flux density, not more, where R is the flux density, 1/cm2* min (%)   ±(15+3/Н) Error - of dose, not more than (%)   15 Audio Alarm threshold levels - dose rate (µSv/h)   0.20 до 1.20 Audio Alarm threshold levels - flux density (1/cm2*min)   10 – 120 Measurement Cycle (seconds)   21 – 1 Measurements   Continuous Height x Width x Depth (mm)   140 x 64 x 26 Weight (g)   175 Batteries («AAA») (pcs)   1 Time of continuous operation, not less than (hours)   950


Quick Guide & Product Specifications (pdf format in english) User Manual (pdf format in english) Software


All QuartaRad products have a Limited Warranty. For more information on the specific product, please contact us.


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