Smart Radon Sensor – Radon Monitor for Building Automation

1.549,00 Inc. IVA: 1.889,78

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The Smart Radon Sensor offers a very high sensitivity in a very small and shapely housing. Due to the detector technology, the instrument will not be affected by any variations of temperature and humidity, external radiation, mechanical shocks and vibrations. The measurement starts as soon as the power is connected.


La data di consegna prevista è: Aprile 16, 2025 - Aprile 18, 2025


SMART RADON SENSOR – the smart solution for building automatization systems

Various interfaces for system integration are available. The RS485 network interface can be operated either with the MODBUS RTU (industrial standard) or the proprietary SARAD protocol. The analogous output makes it easy to connect the Smart Radon Sensor to existing PLC’s. A stand-alone ventilation control system can be easily realized by the alert switch output. If no data line is available, the optionally integrated ZigBee wireless interface can be used for connection to a host system. The wide range of power input accepts all in building automation commonly used voltage supplies. For easy installation, all connections are available through a screw terminal.
Two AAA batteries are integrated to continue the measurement in case of power interruptions. All measurement results will be stored locally in non-volatile circular memory.
Sensors for temperature and humidity are integrated as a standard. There are options for CO2 or barometric pressure measurement available.
The Smart Radon Sensor comes with factory calibration and can be calibrated by any responsible accredited laboratory.
This product is manufactured in SARAD company’s location in Dresden/Germany.


  • Wide measurement range: 1 – 1.000.000 Bq/m³
  • High sensitivity – 2,5 cpm/1kBq/m³
  • Resistant to:
    • temperature and humidity variations
    • external radiation
    • vibrations and any mechanical shocks
  • Light LED indication (red, yellow, green)
  • Humidity and temperature measurement
  • High-quality housing
  • Battery and mains operation
  • USB interface
  • Time-resolved measurement
  • Very large data storage
  • Can be used on workplaces and in living rooms as a part of building automation systems
  • Various interfaces for system integration (RS-485 ModBus RTU, analog output, switch output and wireless interface)
  • Professional Software Radon Vision
  • Factory calibration certificate included.
  • Optional: direct controlling of ventilation equipment


Principle of operation Lucas cell
Range 1 Bq/m3 … 1,000,000Bq/m³
Range 0%rH … 100%rH
Accuracy < 4.5%rH (3% typ.) for 20%rH … 80%rH
Range -40°C … 120°C
Accuracy < 0.4°C (0.3°C typ.) for 5°C … 60°C
Pressure (option) Radon Scout Professional – P only
Range 760mbar … 1200mbar
Accuracy < 0.5% FSO
CO2 (option) Radon Scout Professional - CO2 only
Principle of operation Non dispersive infrared (NDIR)
Range 400ppm … 5000ppm (0% to 0.5%)
Accuracy < 5% ± 50ppm
Response time 10min
Remark Automatic calibration with respect to outdoor CO2 level
Environmental conditions -10°C … 50°C 0%rH … 99%rH no condensation
Power supply 12 to 24 VDC 2 x AAA battery for power backup
Data storage Non-volatile memory with circular structure for 16383 data records in any number of test series Saves all parameters including temperature and humidity each interval (settable from 1 to 255 minutes)
Interface RS485 (MODBUS RTU and SARAD protocol) ZigBee wireless (SARAD Net Monitors) - optional 0…20mA analogous output (range configurable) Alert switch (potential free contacts) All interfaces with screw terminals
Alert indication Red, yellow and green LED indicators for alert and state of operation
Operation Automatic start after powering up
Software Radon Vision
Dimensions 82mm x 96mm x 44mm
Weight 150g including batteries
Accessory Bracket for wall mounting Factory calibration with certificate DKD calibration with certificate (optional)


Manuale d’uso (formato pdf in inglese) Specifiche (formato pdf in inglese) Software  


SARAD GmbH offre una garanzia generale di 24 mesi per i clienti nei paesi dell'Unione europea e 12 mesiper i clienti al di fuori dell'UE. Il periodo di garanzia inizia con il ricevimento della merce da parte del cliente.Ci riserviamo il diritto di rettificare.


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Professionisti del Radon accreditati dall’NRPP: Niton è la prima ed unica società in Italia che si avvale, per i rilievi Radon, di professionisti certificati dal National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) degli Stati Uniti. Perché quando affermiamo di essere specialisti del Radon, abbiamo le carte per dimostrarlo!FIDOtrack: FIDOtrack è il sistema di misura della concentrazione di Radon per il medio e lungo periodo. Semplice da usare, ricevi i rivelatori, li posizioni, al termine del periodo di esposizione ce li rimandi e ricevi via e-mail un certificato ufficiale con l’esito delle misure. Niton è risultato uno dei migliori laboratori europei nella prova di Interconfronto 2019 organizzato dall’Istituto Tedesco Bfs, con i propri rivelatori FIDOtrack.
Aspiratori di Radon: NITON srl è distributore ufficiale dei prodotti RadonAway ed è distributore esclusivo degli aspiratori RadonAway in Italia.
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