RAD7 Radon Detector – Real-time Continuous Radon Monitor

7.699,00 Inc. VAT: 9.392,78

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The DURRIDGE RAD7 is a truly versatile radon and thoron detector used by research scientists and professionals worldwide. Its mature and yet still state-of-the-art design match or exceed those of the most expensive radon measurement devices in the world. At the same time, it incorporates a number of exclusive features that are found in no other radon detector, regardless of price. Incredibly, the RAD7 is affordable.

Expected delivery date is: March 31, 2025 - April 2, 2025


The DURRIDGE RAD7 is a truly versatile radon and thoron detector used by research scientists and professionals worldwide. Its mature and yet still state-of-the-art design match or exceed those of the most expensive radon measurement devices in the world. At the same time, it incorporates a number of exclusive features that are found in no other radon detector, regardless of price. Incredibly, the RAD7 is affordable.

The RAD7 is a sophisticated measuring instrument widely used in laboratories and research work around the globe. It is used by professional radon testers, mitigators and home inspectors, as well as by research scientists studying groundwater, mines, deserts, the ocean and volcanoes at extreme temperature. A rugged carrying case encloses the instrument, ensuring reliability in the field.

The RAD7 is the easiest electronic radon detector to use, with preprogrammed setups for common tasks. The instrument comes complete with a built-in air pump, rechargeable batteries, and a detachable wireless printer. The RAD7 can store large amounts of radon data for later printing and/or for graphing and analysis on a computer using DURRIDGE’s powerful and free CAPTURE software.

The RAD7 is a Sniffer that detects the 3-minute alpha decay of a radon daughter, without interference from other radiations. It also detects the instantaneous alpha decay of a thoron daughter for rapid thoron measurements. The instrument can sniff for entry points and radon gushers, and it recovers from high radon exposures in minutes. The RAD7 is also a Continuous Radon Monitor which can measure the EPA action level of 4 pCi/L, with 10% standard deviation, in under two hours. At the end of each run, the detector prints out a complete report.

The included accessories are sufficient for the measurement of radon and thoron in air. Additional, optional accessories are available for the measurement of radon in soil gas and water, for the measurement of the emission of radon from surfaces, objects and bulk materials, and for other specialized applications. See the Products Overview page for details.


RAD7 Specifications (pdf format in english)
RAD7 Manual (pdf format in english)
RAD7 Battery MSDS (pdf format in english)

RAD7 Software

CAPTURE software for Windows and macOS

USB and Bluetooth Connectivity

Stored RAD7 data may be downloaded to a computer using a USB or serial connection. DURRIDGE offers a dedicated RAD7 communications software package called CAPTURE, which automatically transfers RAD7 data to disk, displays radon graphs, and produces a variety of supplementary information. CAPTURE can also monitor a RAD7 in real time with its Chart Recorder.

For situations where the RAD7 can not be directly connected to a computer, DURRIDGE offers the Parani SD1000 Serial to Bluetooth Adaptor. This adaptor offers a 100 meter wireless range, and it comes pre-configured for plug and play compatibility with the RAD7 and CAPTURE. An optional 16 hour battery allows the adaptor to be used even in the absence of a reliable power source.

RAD7 Specifications

Getting Started: Running a 1-Day Test with the RAD7

Optional Accessories

Radon in water sampling for the RAD7


Continuous radon in water monitoring for the RAD7

Big Bottle System

High sensitivity radon in water sampling for the RAD7

Water Probe

For radon sampling from large bodies of water


Active moisture exchanger to reduce the humidity of the air entering the RAD7

Soil Gas Probes

Extract radon gas samples from underground, without exposing them to the outside air

Emission Chambers

Extract radon gas samples from underground, without exposing them to the outside air

Natural Rock Sample

Sealed granite sample providing rock-steady emissions of radon and thoron, for testing RAD7 performance

Il team NITON srl nasce nel 2017 dalla volontà di creare un gruppo di persone che si sono scelte, unite dalla condivisione degli stessi valori professionali ed umani: dedizione al lavoro, onestà intellettuale, etica e rispetto dell’ambiente a 360°.
Professionisti del Radon accreditati dall’NRPP: Niton è la prima ed unica società in Italia che si avvale, per i rilievi Radon, di professionisti certificati dal National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) degli Stati Uniti. Perché quando affermiamo di essere specialisti del Radon, abbiamo le carte per dimostrarlo!FIDOtrack: FIDOtrack è il sistema di misura della concentrazione di Radon per il medio e lungo periodo. Semplice da usare, ricevi i rivelatori, li posizioni, al termine del periodo di esposizione ce li rimandi e ricevi via e-mail un certificato ufficiale con l’esito delle misure. Niton è risultato uno dei migliori laboratori europei nella prova di Interconfronto 2019 organizzato dall’Istituto Tedesco Bfs, con i propri rivelatori FIDOtrack.
Aspiratori di Radon: NITON srl è distributore ufficiale dei prodotti RadonAway ed è distributore esclusivo degli aspiratori RadonAway in Italia.
Cerchi un professionista del Radon per un’indagine approfondita del tuo immobile? Contattaci al numero 0222197130 o tramite e-mail all’indirizzo [email protected]