RTM 1688-2 – Radon and Thoron Monitor

8.150,00 Inc. VAT: 9.943,00

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Universal Instrument for Radon and Thoron measurements in air, soil gas and water.
Radon entry paths can be discovered by the “sniffing” mode. Soil gas sampling, as well as Radon in water measurements, are simple because of the built-in pump.
The operation of the Radon/Thoron monitor is realised by only one button. A serial printer may be connected to the interface of the RTM1688-2 to present a protocol directly on site.

Expected delivery date is: April 15, 2025 - April 17, 2025


Radon entry paths can be discovered by the “sniffing” mode. Soil gas sampling, as well as Radon in water measurements, are simple because of the built-in pump.
The operation of the Radon/Thoron monitor is realised by only one button. A serial printer may be connected to the interface of the RTM1688-2 to present a protocol directly on site.
The Radon/Thoron monitor can be directly connected to a modem (analog, ISDN, GSM) for remote data transmission. The Radon Vision software (included in delivery) handles the telephone connection as simple as a direct cable link.
The measurement chamber is not sensitive against humidity variations – a drying tube, commonly used in such instrument types, is not required.
Special attention was paid to the issue of quality assurance. Each stored data record contains a complete Alpha spectrum which shows the error-free operation of the instrument for each single integration interval. Any number of measurement series may be created by starting/stopping the data acquisition. The data stored within the instrument can be read by PC even if a measurement is in progress.
The small chamber volume of only 130 ml must be pointed out. The measurement of probes taken from small and limited volumes is possible due to this property.

The Radon/Thoron monitor RTM1688-2 can be powered either by a mains power adapter or by the internal battery which gives an autonomous operation time up to 14 days.
As a matter, of course, the instrument is equipped with sensors for temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure. An integrated tilt detector will give a signal if the Radon/Thoron monitor has been removed from its original position during the measurement.


+ Measurement range: 0 - 10.000.000 Bq/m³ + Measurement principle: HV chamber - Deposition of short-lived Radon daughter products on a semiconductor detector, alpha-spectroscopy, continuous or interval operation by pump + Sniffing mode for localization of radon entry ways + Fast mode operation for fast response time + High sensitivity with small chamber volume + Alarm mode in case of activity concentration exceedances + Sensors for temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and motion + Battery- or mains-operated + Freely adjustable measurement intervals on the instrument possible + Data memory for 2,047 data records (with alpha spectrum) + Optional: data remote transfer Product Specifications (pdf format in english)


User Manual (pdf format in english) Product Specifications (pdf format in english) Software  


SARAD GmbH provides a general 24-month warranty for customers in the European Union countries and 12 months for customers outside of the EU. The warranty period begins with the receipt of the goods by the customer. We reserve the right to rectification.


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